
Gov_Martin_OweMalley t1_j9ev39b wrote

> It should be no surprise our gun crimes are as high as they are, when illegal gun ownership is treated as a misdemeanor

This right here is the issue. The state will gladly pass a new anti gun law every year but turn around and let violent people back out on the street with little more than a slap on the wrist. Is it any wonder that so many incidents involve people known to police and with long rap sheets?


Gov_Martin_OweMalley t1_iu46vs2 wrote

>Honestly, I don't know where you get your information from.

Legitimate sources, unlike you I don't make things up out of thin air to push an agenda.

France - A breakdown of what's required to purchase and own a firearm

UK - A Breakdown of the laws that allow ownership

Australia - Has more firearms in country than even before the confiscation scheme and you are still allowed to own and purchase.

Germany - Process for aquire a firearm.

Belgium - "As of 2022, 678,592 registered firearms are held by 168,349 people in Belgium, an increase of over 8,000 new registered weapons, according to statistics obtained from the Ministry of Justice by Belgian newspaper Sud Press. "

Netherlands - Permits avialbe for hunting and sporting

Here's a further breakdown for 16 other countries put together by the NY Times.

> I can say, as someone who has lived in The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium, and frequently visited France and the UK

Since you've already been shown to be dishonest, anything you say at this point is beyond suspect.


Gov_Martin_OweMalley t1_iu42vn8 wrote

None of those countries completely ban firearms they allow ownership to one degree or another, some much more strict than the others. So that begs the question, why are you lying?

Edit: Just for more visablity in pointing out that the above user is lying

France - A breakdown of what's required to purchase and own a firearm

UK - A Breakdown of the laws that allow ownership

Australia - Has more firearms in country than even before the confiscation scheme and you are still allowed to own and purchase.

Germany - Process to acquire a firearm.

Belgium - "As of 2022, 678,592 registered firearms are held by 168,349 people in Belgium, an increase of over 8,000 new registered weapons, according to statistics obtained from the Ministry of Justice by Belgian newspaper Sud Press. "

Netherlands - Permits avialabe for hunting and sporting

Here's a further breakdown for 16 other countries put together by the NY Times.