
GrayDottedPony t1_j60i68b wrote

Go to a doctor first. There could be so many reasons.

Low blood pressure, the beginning of a diabetes, heart problems, thyroid problems, hidden inflammations... The list is endless.

If the doctor says it's all clear, there's another possibility:

Too little movement.

It seems you WFH and sit long periods of time. This can lead to bad blood circulation and then you're cold and it's very hard to warm up again unless you get your blood circulation up again. Try to implement short gymnastic routines, running in one place, jump up and down a few times, stretching etc. at least for a few minutes every hour. Flash-dancing or bunny hopping to and from the bathroom will help too.

Hot and cold showers at least of your legs and hips every morning helps too to get your blood running, and even if it sounds counter intuitive end it with a cold shower, that tightens your blood vessels in the skin and you'll feel warmer.

Drink hot tea. Get yourself a teapot and a heater. Then drink hot tea. As hot as you can. Warm your hands on the cup. Brings your core temperature up.