
GreenPylons t1_ixr0smu wrote

> I think it probably needs to have a few frames pulled and processed to get the times right because of its age

You won't know if it needs to be pushed/pulled unless there's a note saying to do so (if there's any notes left with the roll, or something marked up on the film canister). Most photographers who do push/pull their film also mean to do it to their entire roll, so there's no point to do it to a few frames (and you also can't do it to just a few frames - you can't really cleanly cut up a roll of undeveloped film as you don't know where one picture ends and another starts, so you'll almost certainly just cut through the middle of a picture. You won't know until it's developed, and once it's developed it's too late to push/pull, though you can correct the brightness digitally to some extent)


GreenPylons t1_ivs1wbh wrote

Because immigration is the federal government's responsibility, not the states. State and local governments aren't the people that are in charge of the immigration system and aren't responsible for enforcing it.

It's similar to how marijuana is illegal federally but it's legal at the state level. Your local or state police isn't going to arrest you for possessing or selling weed despite it being a federal crime, because it's not Massachusett's responsibility to enforce federal drug laws. That's the fed's job.