
Grimij t1_ivg57xm wrote

Probably at least $1500-2000, and that's really low-balling. I'd say just build your own, either way.

You can build a 1500w 52v 21ah ebike that goes about 35mph with a range of 30-50miles in the realms of ~$500 if you already have a bike. Much more affordable than anything prebuilt, with far greater performance.


Grimij t1_iua6m1a wrote

If you need to increase the spacing by 500% to improve LCOE by ~2% that's dumb, I'm sorry.

I come from Ag Land California, planting crops between solar rows simply isn't feasible. You need a very dry and clean panels for them to be effective and efficient, but with the amount of moisture, dirt, corrosive fertilizer, and herbicide/pesticide sprays makes the absolute worst environment to put solar.

Building lean-to shelters for pumps, equipment, or overall packing with solar is great, though.