
Grimsage777 t1_j2du2lv wrote

Worst decision you could possibly make.

Do you expect your parents to pay for your food, car insurance, phone, electric, waste/recycle, water, renters insurance, etc?

You can't confidently expect your parents to continue paying your bills when you move away. One of the biggest mistakes I see young people make is underestimating the cost of living. when parents pay for more than half of your living expenses, I would stay home and save as much as possible.

In today's world, I would stay at my parents' house until they forced me to leave. Save up $100k+


Grimsage777 t1_j0nqi7f wrote

For most spacecraft trajectories within the solar system, the expansion of the universe is not significant and can be safely ignored. The gravitational forces of the sun and planets, as well as other factors such as atmospheric drag and solar radiation pressure, are typically much more important for determining spacecraft trajectories within the solar system.

That being said, the expansion of the universe can be important for certain types of spacecraft missions, such as those that are designed to study the expansion of the universe itself or those that are designed to travel to other galaxies. In these cases, the expansion of the universe must be taken into account in the spacecraft's trajectory calculation.