
GroundbreakingEmu929 t1_j6jxto0 wrote

Geico is the worst. I had an accident in early December that I was not at fault with 2 forms of video evidence that it was the other guys fault. He also had Geico. It took them forever to pay me out for my totaled car, I had to keep hounding them as I was left without any form of transportation after the short window they paid for my rental. I was also hurt in the accident and am still dealing with them constantly denying my doctor's requests for tests that are very much needed. I still don't have a diagnosis almost 2 months later because they keep screwing me. They also doubled my rate despite me not being at fault. I cancelled my policy with them and moved to NJM who my mom has had for years and she has had better experiences with claims with them. Geico is garbage.