
GtrzBitcHsUseJimmies t1_j6id336 wrote

Even if you don’t know exactly what to do or where to go in life it’s okay. Sometimes it doesn’t seem like you’re making the progress you want to make, but me being a 29y I look back with a little more realistic look and expectation of life and compare myself to when I was 19 and oh my am I proud of how far I have come. I am not where I thought I would be career wise, I do not own a home like I thought I would at this point or have kids yet, but looking back I am a much better and more enjoyable human to be around and I have many of the things my 19 year old self would’ve given anything for. Priorities change. Goals change. Be patient with yourself and your personal growth. As time goes on, and it doesn’t seem like you’re making noticeable growth day today day, just take a personal inventory and most likely if you put in the effort (whatever that looks like to you) one day you will look back and be able to clearly see how far you’ve come, and man that is an incredible feeling. Moral of the story.. change and growth take time so be patient with yourself, and don’t compare yourself and to others when judging your value and relevance as you’ll almost never find that helpful in seeing your worth. Everyone has their own problems and challenges. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side even if it appears that way. People are good at hiding what they feel when insecure about, so even the people who seem perfect or have the perfect life are probably trying to keep up with the perceived expectations of society. You don’t need that new car if you can’t comfortably afford it. Nobody really cares how you get from point A to point B. The assumption you’re going to be judged if you drive a 1999 “beater” car instead of a brand new 2023 Camero is all in your head. Judge yourself in comparison to yourself yesterday, a week ago, a year ago, a decade ago, etc. Youll appreciate the growth so much more, and that great feeling will build on itself and create confidence in yourself that you can more than handle what this life throws at you. People will give you “advice” on how not to make the same mistakes they did but to really want to make one choice over another you have to see the value in one choice over another for yourself. Everyone says always seem to say “don’t do it like me, I had to learn the hard way.” Depending on what the underlying lesson, and the consequences of one choice over another, sometimes it’s okay to learn the hard way because that lesson will resonate way more with you going forward.

Last little message to wrap it up.. take a personal inventory of yourself on your birthday today and as time goes on adjust your expectations of what you think life is supposed to be and how it’s supposed to go and you’ll be incredibly surprised on how proud you are of yourself days, weeks, and years from now as recognized personal growth no matter how small is the real reward that no amount of compassion to others can buy.

Best of luck to you in this life my friend. Everything will be okay even if it doesn’t end up exactly how you thought it would. That’s the game of life. Happy birthday to you. I hope you have a great 19th birthday.