
GuamVetAdvocate t1_iuaz6sm wrote

“Are you married?” - To my job! [say it like it’s a joke so they can’t tell if you’re serious]

“Do you want kids?” - I don’t know, what do you think is best? [this is actually a good one if you can turn it to ask for advice from them and then just let them talk]

“Do you have kids?” - Omgosh let me show you a picture of my senior rescue dog! My baby!

“Are you interested in a blind date?” - I’m so busy with work now sorry


GuamVetAdvocate t1_iuayuo1 wrote

Or alternatively make a list of innocuous facts about you to have handy. Favorite hobbies (I love walking in nature, I love exercise, I love reading self help books), or zodiac sign and the possible interpretations of the approximately a dozen associated celestial positions, or favorite Taylor Swift fan theories.


GuamVetAdvocate t1_iuausr7 wrote

I’m guessing you are in grad school because this sounds extremely familiar. I always felt pressed for time. Never enough time to read everything in depth.

If it’s not a novel, I would always focus most on beginnings and endings of chapters. If there’s an introduction or afterword, it often has a summary of the content.

Good luck on the test.