
Gubekochi t1_jecbelj wrote

>But I stick to my point that healthcare is a product and the only nuance is who is paying.

We also have a right to a certain amount of security. That's why countries have armies and police forces. Those (ideally/theoretically) exist for defence and to maintain orders so citizens can pursue happiness and not get raided by hordes of barbarians or assaulted or what have you. That's what government are supposed to exist for. As a society we decide that something is important for everyone, we put our money in a big pool and we use the pool to ensure that the underlying right is secured.

It works for the army and the police in the US, it also works for healthcare elsewhere.

Of course it's not free and someone pays for it. Same as roads and fire stations. You don't pay when you need them, they're paid for from taxes because they help society function (and healthy citizenry can be argued to also do that).


Gubekochi t1_je3gbaz wrote

I don't see how your ignorance/google ineptitude really has anything to do with me... and why I should be given homework to compensate for your apparent lazyness... so I'll give you the first result on my google research:

>Article 36 (3) of our Constitution emphasizes the obligation to protect the national health of the nation by stipulating that “all citizens are protected by the state in relation to health.” This means that the right to health as a social fundamental right is the most important aspect of health rights.

That would be S. Korea.

Also, (bonus down the google research) the EU Charter of Fundamental rights has it so Citizens of any European country that recognize that Charter as valid would have a right to health care even if their country doesn't specify it in it's own constitution. So there's that too.

Lastly, it was an intentional use of the meme, but IF I had brain worms, I could get my head checked for free since I don't live in a third world country.


Gubekochi t1_je3f1dc wrote

Justice is made up. Good and evil is made up. Those are all concepts that mean different things to different people from different time and culture. It means what it means.

When I say something is a right, it is meant as "in a proper society, it should be treated with the same importance we give to other rights".

Nothing has inherent meaning. Meaning is something we construct to not go insane from a meaningless universe because our brain has evolved to recognize patterns as a way to improve our chances of survival and has gotten too good at it for our own comfort.


Gubekochi t1_j1omr12 wrote

While I very much agree that experience (including that of past mistakes, yours or otherwise) is a component of wisdom, I would say that knowledge and good judgment are also components. Otherwise, if it were purely experience/mistakes based, wisdom would offer no benefit when facing new situations... which, maybe under your conception of wisdom, a highly intangible concept, is entirely possible to be honest.

In that regard, someone's wisdom is like... how adequate a guidance does the sum of their general rule of thumb and mental shortcuts is to take decisions that don't suck.

Lots of things can have contributed to that pool of general principles a given individual has.