
GubytheHuby t1_jarj8yg wrote

They took it to a vet yesterday. Overall healthy, has some PTSD with Loud noises and random touching (like if you pick it up without the cat hearing you) it will freak out a little. Has some infections in its eyes and lungs but it’s a common fix with medication. The tattoos will never be removed as it would cause more pain, so for now it wears a full body jacket to cover it. And they recommended having the cat outside as much as possible to socialize in a normal environment. If I could send pictures I would but for their safety I won’t until they come public (if that ever happens)


GubytheHuby t1_jarfm4l wrote

I know the person who adopted the cat! Can’t say anytbing about who they are for safety reasons but the videos they sent were heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. Truly a lovely cat but seeing it with tattoos was so sad. The person who adopted the cat is a great person and will love this cat how it deserves to be loved