
GuideAggressive5800 t1_isyqb0k wrote

There is no cap for unlimited data plans for Verizon, just hot spotting. The only issue you can run into is de-prioritization, which is just a fancy word for slowing your data down a bit during peak hours in heavily congested areas. All of southern VT is rural enough that it doesn't'll really only run into that issue occasionally up in Champlain Valley.

The other folks are correct- you get what you pay for. Every other company outside of the big 3 rent the shitty parts of the network and sell it to you. There will always be a catch if it seems to cheap to be true.

Source- I work with Verizon (not for, WITH) for my job.


GuideAggressive5800 t1_irnrm1z wrote

As a Vermonter I wish I could downvote this stupid passive aggressive preachy bullshit more than once. Reddit can be the absolute worst sometimes.

OG, do you really think people will read your sermon and nod understandingly, and make sure to end the error of their sinful flatlander ways?

Real Vermonters leave well enough alone and leave people alone.