
Guitar_Fluffy t1_j8mwkqi wrote

Moved to NYC for an internship…did a test run on the weekend before my first day to make sure I could get there with no problems. Went down the wrong side swiped my card…looked for a way to cross (I thought every station had an under/over pass). Homeless guy was begging me to open the emergency exit so I said fuck it…not trying to be make enemies on my second day in NYC…proceed to open the door and let him through and then I see an mta work in a booth throw up his hands and is like “what the fuck are you thinking?” “Use your fuckin head”…I shrug my shoulders and get the fuck out of there…go above ground, get down to correct side try to swipe my card but it won’t let me though due to a 20 minute cool down. I said fuck it and went back to my apartment so I could think about my actions.