
Guiver5000 t1_j24xewv wrote

Really like Sagan, great voice, inspiring, video days in high school science class.

His protege Neil however is starting to become tiresome. Last couple years, started out the same and I think his fame went to his head. He also should be banned from social media.


Guiver5000 t1_j1y09am wrote

I mean people are dying, the eu has people struggling to hear their homes. But hey wind and solar that will NEVER supply what we need saw a boost. Seriously? Look. I am all far renewables but nothing we currently have is the answer… it’s just not. Currently nuclear and eventually and hopefully fusion will solve our problems. In the short term people are struggling, suffering and dying. So knock it off.


Guiver5000 t1_iusjk12 wrote

I think developing faster charging and a network of charging stations as wide and comprehensive as current gas stations is what’s needed. That said that will do nothing but create power production problems and sky rocketing energy cost if we can’t find a better way to generate the power our society needs.

Electric cars as a novelty is cool, electric cars as the majority it’s realistic if we can’t power them with out drawbacks. And if dirty energy is what’s needed than what’s the point. We are at a crossroads imho. The future of tech and and the world is hinging on clean mass produced energy.


Guiver5000 t1_iunyf67 wrote

Well my cousin actually… he is an extreme left nutter butter. But to be fair… he is a nutter butter. The problem with huge issues like this is as follows

  1. someone that is anti vax is likely to be a conservative. But that doesn’t mean all conservatives are anti vax

  2. however the opposite is also true, for example someone deeply passionate about environmental issues are likely to be a liberal. But I know conservatives that are also passionate about the environment

These are stereo types, and to be fair stereo types exist for a reason. However they also tend to be on the far ends and with our world more polarized than ever it’s the extremes that get all the attention.


Guiver5000 t1_iunwct1 wrote

“Our enemies are never as evil as we imagine, and perhaps we are never quite as good”. Your comment paints the world in black and white and it’s not. There are plenty of good and reasonable people on both sides of the political spectrum and to pretend otherwise is ignorant, hateful and divisive.


Guiver5000 t1_iuntcdi wrote

I think as time goes on the true “anti-vax” crowd will be smaller than you think. The Covid vax was rushed, standard practices for trails and testing where bypassed, Pfizer doing shit like trying to block the release of data for 100 years didn’t help the trust situation.

There will always be nuts and anti vaxers. But I think allot of the people currently lumped into that category will swing back the other way for well studied and tested medicine.


Guiver5000 t1_ir6gtek wrote

I’m not sure there is a comparison there. I don’t see any civilization that doesn’t have indoor plumbing developing radios. Technology is accumulative and while indoor plumbing doesn’t directly cause the invention the radio. The society indoor plumbing would help to create would. When people are free from basic survival and basic hygiene is standard. More of society is going to be able to contribute and inventor more