
Gusthepieceofmustard t1_j0w9lc1 wrote

“On the first day of Christmas I bring to thee. A gift made of Santas heart. Sown so carefully by chained up little elves who soon will be dog meat. Been a long year without many gifts,so the next twenty four days be on your toes. Cause you might just be the next perfect thing” I read allowed to myself. The Christmas killer has returned. Every year on Christmas for the past twelve years he did this. Twenty four deaths,each day a body part would be sent to the police station as a taunt. Or it’d be sent to random houses. Nasty shit. I got my phone out and took a picture of the letter before putting on some gloves and putting it in a cardboard box. I proceed to type up the usual email to Davis and get him to tell the stations the Christmas killer is back. I then call up Harriet and get her to put a notice out for the other neighbouring counties,even though they need not worry about them as they only bother us. I then must do the bore of ringing up Larry,get him to put out the civilian warning about the Christmas killer. A knock on the door wakes me from my alerting trance. “Sir! Parcel for you!” Squeaks Lilly as she walks in and places it on my desk. “Thanks” I say calmly. She scuttles off quickly after I said that. I put on my gloves again and open the package. In it was a bloodied,fleshy heart pillow made out of flesh of a heart and skin. Pinned on to it was a note. “Mall Santa,Erris Dands,was naughty and beat up a old man on July 8th 2005 at 11pm. Now karma has struck him-from Christmas killer”