
GyakuBoop t1_jb5euyr wrote

Thats the point of my comment, they knew people are using tools to play the game after a while and haven't even considered tapping into that market in the slightest.

Like, imagine a fully open world mmo pokemon game. Theres absolutely a market for this, but the only thing even close to it is PoGo on emulators or Minecraft mods. Nothing official


GyakuBoop t1_j70yht0 wrote

Security personnel? Automatic shutter doors in employee zones and exits? Emergency pushbutton to alert police? Making a petition to have a police patrol near high danger areas?

Hell, even filing complaints to their employers about work hazards and informing authorities if they refuse to provide a solution?

Now you actually seem like a boomer who thinks that few individual pieces of shit doing a crime, justifies banning a whole age group without even thinking of a solution and just being a keyboard warrior lmao. Grow up


GyakuBoop t1_j70unb5 wrote

Here we go again with brain gymnastics and cherry picking words, who tf said employees aren't important?

Since you identify as a 'professional reddit moron' let me make it simpler:

Pissing off an already angry group, just puts the employees in even more danger for refusing to give them service. If they are already trashing places WHILE getting service, you expect them to just..... Walk away instead of trashing the place? Even if said employees fought back, they will be fired and we both know that.


GyakuBoop t1_j6we3ig wrote

The difference here is that malls are big and have valuables, even if a theft accord at mcdonalds.... $100 worth at most in stolen stuff and anything that breaks is covered by insurance?

A lot of countries have stricter access to malls especially at night time(like the ones where i live don't allow single people in during peak times like events to enter after 8-10pm(changes everytime) and that leads to less sexual harassment and theft) due to valuable stuff being displayed.

The most this is going to do is tell people to order by phone and claim its for parents, or ask someone outside to buy it for them and they pay him the cost. This isn't a grand solution to stop obesity, its morons not giving kids mental health support they need and better education to deter bad behavior


GyakuBoop t1_j4q1dvf wrote

Tbh, no matter who represents these talks its pointless. Unless countries start investing into clean power, there is literally no other option to replace fossil fuel.

I literally work in the worst gas company (environment damage wise) and they literally brag about aiming to become eco friendly with 0% CO2 emissions by guess what..... 2035, a whole fucking decade later. And they won't change because no one cares about making the changes