HAL_9_TRILLION t1_j9psxms wrote

We have a machine that can understand questions and answer them, mostly correctly in natural English. Today the chorus is "OK we get it, there's a machine that can chat, now fuck off about it." Not three years ago it was "you're dreaming, that won't happen for a hundred years, if ever." SMH my head.


HAL_9_TRILLION t1_j75gd7o wrote

Reply to comment by Pavvl___ in Possible first look at GPT-4 by tk854

Can't happen fast enough for me, Google's been utter shit for at least three years now and I've been using DDG mostly instead. The only exception being if I'm actually looking for a corporate sponsored result, in which case Google is just super 🙄.

If Bing is as good or better than ChatGPT, it's an overnight done deal for me.