HECK_OF_PLIMP t1_jbpxsry wrote

my question is, WHY TF DID LESLIE LEAVE AFTER TURNING ON THE WATER? honestly that was the most dangerous, dumbass decision y'all could have possibly made.

I once did a dungeon monitor training workshop for a BDSM club, and one thing we learned was to never, ever, leave a person tied up by themselves, for any length of time. so much can go wrong so fast, it just isn't safe and can't be done in a way that is reasonably safe.

there's absolutely no valid reason for you to have been by yourself during this experience OP; in fact I'd be hard pressed to believe that even in actual torture situations they would even consider leaving the subject alone during the process - not like out of concern for their well being, but more so that they have a vested self-interest in keeping the subject alive at least until they accomplish whatever they're administering torture on them for. you guys massively fucked up the most basic common sense safety protocol.


HECK_OF_PLIMP t1_jauyjc5 wrote

I would really like to hear more stories about Rohan. he's interesting as heck.

just curious though, I wonder who he thought Dylan would have been able to tell safely, before he arrived. the sheriff, his parents, another adult, even when Rohan first approached him how could he trust that it wouldn't make things worse y'know


HECK_OF_PLIMP t1_j0z6z3r wrote

yeah, coming from a habitually sad person, it's hit or miss and in most cases there's no way to really gauge if you're going to make them feel worse. I can't speak for anyone else but personally, if I'm really sad in public, the only thing that a stranger could do/say that wouldn't be a risk of making me feel worse, is asking 'are you ok'. and so that's what I tend to do, if anything, when I see someone who looks really sad. just a thought