
Halvinz t1_jeep12g wrote

Reply to comment by Nyalli262 in [Homemade] Margherita pizza by nchiker

The least amount of yeast, the better. Instant yeast turbo charges the whole fermentation. Fresh yeast provides a better natural fermentation and always easier on your digestive system. That's how pizzaioli normally do it, and for a reason. And that's why they also employ Poolish and Biga techniques -- again, resorting to natural fermentation. Now that said, 7 grams is not a massive amount that would raise eyebrows, but it can be reduced considerably.

Environment temp is important to the whole process, hence the question about what region/temp the OP did his/her prepping. Temp is actually a variable in several formulas. The same formula that might work in one place might fizzle in another (trust me, I've seen it happen. That's why when I do it in a new place for the first time, I create 6 to 8 batches with various measurements to see which one works in that environment).

Finally, I don't think you know what condescension means. Not sure if you are just being too defensive or sensitive, but my questions were meant to genuinely discover more about several factors which normally leads to certain end results. Cheers.


Halvinz t1_jecllmq wrote

Reply to comment by nchiker in [Homemade] Margherita pizza by nchiker

1 1/2 table spoon of "instant dry yeast"!!!

I usually just use 0.35 "grams" (a little bit more than the third of the gram) of "fresh yeast" for a single 300 gram dough.

You got the result, and I frankly don't know how with that much "instant" yeast.

Edit: I read the measurements as table spoon where it should be tea spoon. Still that's 6.5 grams of Instant yeast. That's 18x more than what I use.

Do you live in a cooler region?


Halvinz t1_j1r2owm wrote

I can't locate the video of an Iranian state-run show where the guest was advocating to cut off one arm, one leg, and then gouging eyes of a protester who is sentenced to death.

His reasoning was that they shouldn't be summarily executed. That's an easy death according to him. They (the protesters) must suffer and torture to death.

I have no problem rendering such punishment for someone who has committed a heinous crime against others. But we are talking about political prisoners who just want to express their voice of dissent against their tyrannical government.
