Hamoodzstyle t1_jdsbhec wrote
Reply to comment by nixed9 in [D] GPT4 and coding problems by enryu42
What is the point of the "do you understand?" At the end? Does the model confirming that it understand add some sort of emphasis or something?
Hamoodzstyle t1_j2bq2wn wrote
Reply to comment by Obvious_Chapter2082 in [OC] Apple’s cash flow statement visualized by giteam
Doesn't lower total equity (i.e. number of outstanding shares in the market) with unchanging valuation results in higher value per share.
Hamoodzstyle t1_j2a922e wrote
Reply to comment by allnamestaken1968 in [OC] Apple’s cash flow statement visualized by giteam
Makes sense, sounds like looking at just cash is pretty much useless
Hamoodzstyle t1_j29zmic wrote
Reply to comment by allnamestaken1968 in [OC] Apple’s cash flow statement visualized by giteam
Does marketable securities include short term T-bills?
Hamoodzstyle t1_j29z78u wrote
Reply to comment by Sadoksad in [OC] Apple’s cash flow statement visualized by giteam
Not sure I agree that 401ks are really getting screwed over here. Your standard 401k with some ETFs holding apple stock get more valuable as a result of buybacks. That means more money in the hands of say a retiree pulling money out of their 401k.
Hamoodzstyle t1_j29ysiz wrote
Reply to comment by redditseddit4u in [OC] Apple’s cash flow statement visualized by giteam
The person selling their shares to apple is not the only one benefiting, it's also every other shareholder who now owns shares that are higher in demand and thus are worth more money.
Hamoodzstyle t1_iqsmn0k wrote
Reply to comment by seba07 in [D] Types of Machine Learning Papers by Lost-Parfait568
Also do l don't forget, no ablation study so that it's impossible to know which of the tiny changes actually helped.
Hamoodzstyle t1_jdsy1cu wrote
Reply to comment by CobaltAlchemist in [D] GPT4 and coding problems by enryu42
That's mind blowing holy moly