
HanaBothWays t1_jeerkb2 wrote

It will be much more difficult for people to opt out this way and they know it.

This is something called “administrative burden,” which is having to deal with a bunch of red tape and general bullshit to exercise your rights or receive benefits for which you qualify. It’s usually associated with dealing with government programs but it happens a lot in the private sector too.


HanaBothWays t1_je03zgy wrote

> Also very coincidental that the union had the statement prepared beforehand, but sure.

Union organizers getting fired for “unrelated” reasons is as old as unions themselves. So of course the union has prepared statements ready to go for situations like this - almost any union does. It’s like having a fire extinguisher in your kitchen.


HanaBothWays t1_jdv3p06 wrote

Service providers are also supposed to make sure that their services are running with configurations appropriate to geographical/jurisdictional restrictions as dictated by statutes (or not running, as appropriate).


HanaBothWays t1_jdv2wcx wrote

Yes they are. Who do you think Google Analytics belongs to? It’s not like it’s a different company that happens to have a similar name.

And they keep having problems because users in EU countries where Google Analytics is banned keep finding the Google Analytics script running in their browsers anyway because Google is not err on the side of caution when it comes to what browser clients Google Analytics does and doesn’t run on.


HanaBothWays t1_jdtfuwq wrote

In practice, none of this really helps and there is no rigorous monitoring of compliance with it or consequences to violations of it. If there were, credit bureaus would no longer be a viable business model and some kind of public agency would have to perform the function instead.


HanaBothWays t1_jdtcbfs wrote

So you have to go hunting for settings somewhere and be presented with choices that may or may not be easy to interpret in order to opt out, instead of being automatically protected? Or having the option of not letting these entities collect your data in the first place?

Also, what happens if they violate these statutes? Not enough to keep them from doing it again.


HanaBothWays t1_jdt2ncx wrote

> Google Analytics is banned in Germany and Italy.

Alas, Google violates this all the time and gets only relatively light fines as punishment. If what TikTok is supposedly doing is bad enough to get them banned in the U.S. then EU countries might decide that taking extreme measures is the way to go.

>Also, the US’ patchwork isn’t far off from GDPR, it’s just far less cohesive. US citizens have many of the same rights and control over their data, and have for decades in some cases.

Functionally, no. You don’t really have a choice when it comes to, say, the information that credit bureaus collect about you, because you can’t opt out, and they will up and sell that to anyone. They also don’t secure their databases that well.


HanaBothWays t1_jdrgi4h wrote

Gonna be really funny when EU countries get the idea to ban Meta and Twitter and the like because, since they are based in a country (America) with terrible laws around privacy and personal data collection, they pose unacceptable risks to EU citizens/national security.