
HardTacoKit t1_j5c7uac wrote

In the Burlington area? We get like 5 storms per year. I don’t even put on snow tires and just don’t drive on the 5 days there is snow on the ground.


Other parts of the state get a LOT more snow.

You are fine with your Civic with snows.


HardTacoKit t1_j1lyuc4 wrote

Surely you could do a google search and find better data about our water and air quality rather than ask for anecdotes from locals who, for the most part, are not qualified to assess such things.

Merry Christmas. I don’t mean for this to sound dickish.


HardTacoKit t1_iwjk9k2 wrote

Normalizing data by per capita is important. Per capita we still have a pretty small economy, but nowhere as small as states like Alabama and Mississippi.

Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/248063/per-capita-us-real-gross-domestic-product-gdp-by-state/#:~:text=Out%20of%20all%2050%20states,GDP%2C%20at%2035%2C374%20U.S.%20dollars.