
HarmoniousJ t1_jchodbj wrote

Out of all my devices in the fully connected home, the phone is the least reliable.

Dunno why you champion it, maybe you'll have a better argument for a comparable reliability x speed in a few years but it lacks that right now.

The most confusing part about this conversation is that I'm using a lot of different platforms for programming. There is no contest, mobile still underperforms my other equipment. You'd be aware of its shortcomings too if you did what I did.


HarmoniousJ t1_jchdqd0 wrote

There's a difference between one wanting something to be true and whether or not it actually is. I know you love your mobile and use it for everything but it's still not the fastest.

And I'm not saying this will always be the case, I'm just saying you live in a future that doesn't exist yet.

Believe me, I'd love to be able to program everything using my Fold 3 but the damn thing hates most things that aren't Android.


HarmoniousJ t1_jchcgs8 wrote

Look, your favorite platform is not under attack right now. That's not the point I'm trying to make.

What I'm saying is that some programming work is better off using an ethernet cable than a cellular connection. Sorry my guy, mobile is not what they use in MIT for weather updates or small incremental changes. They still use ethernet for that.


HarmoniousJ t1_jc61kpz wrote

As someone who used them in school all the time and got free ones from time to time, alphasmarts if you can stomach the first generation storage spaces. We're talking something like a few gigs if you get a really premium model.

The screen is also something like a typewriter, only having two or three lines visible at a time.

If you do go that far though, there's really no reason to avoid a cheap laptop, which will probably be better in every single way...