
Has_hog t1_je5wc9z wrote

But… how will the children learn about the punishment they deserve? The free market must teach them the vital lesson of brutal capitalism. Giving them free lunch is basically socialism, let them starve and learn the truth /s

Atleast in America we’ve got it figured out: 30 - 40% child hunger rates, with republicans lock step in opposition towards food programs that dare threaten to reduce hunger. Yeah that’ll teach those entitled little brats


Has_hog t1_je3avub wrote

Also, the cops (DA, a type of cop) were so busy being cops it took them 5 years to charge this guy. Which makes sense because cops are busy and typically don’t like pressing charges against cops. Luckily the ex had hired a really annoying and committed lawyer who wouldn’t stop pestering them about this whole fake rape story thing so they decided to do their jobs.


Has_hog t1_je22eza wrote

These guys are criminals, and you’re like “actually the authorities are the ones who want to do crime more, the banks were smart because they didn’t abide by the law for a something something (I made-up) shoe fund”. Crazy logic

Whereas in america, they will never be held to account for anything. Certainly no jail. Atleast France has the wherewithall to attempt to hold these guys accountable without a pretense of political pressure.


Has_hog t1_jc7twdl wrote

You should be able to die on your own terms. My grandmother was getting dementia, luckily she passed before it got too crazy and she stopped remembering everyone. But there’s so many other incredibly painful ailments people suffer from — you should have a choice.

Instead, medical institutions insist that you remain a vegetable and in pain, while they drain you of all your money. All that hard work over a lifetime gone, leaving nothing left to kin or family, it’s wrong, exploitive and not at all moral. A right to die with dignity is a human right, we need this nationally with federal protections.


Has_hog t1_jad2iwr wrote

Yep. I mean these guys are protected at the highest levels by banks and intel agencies. I’m not convinced this doofus, who called himself “Kash”, had any real cash or was leading shit.

75 grand in fines is a pretty laughable attempt by law enforcement who by and large seems to have “failed” to find the actual boss.


Has_hog t1_iz1iq5p wrote

An 80 trillion blind spot?? Based around the exchange of currency?? Wtf that is insanely stupid and (yet another) recipe for disaster.

For context the total global market of ALL countries , products and services is estimated to be ~25 trillion. There is way too much speculation going on


Has_hog t1_iuju6yk wrote

“We demand to see the tape of Paul Pelosi being the subject to a violence, I can’t believe it otherwise! The police are lieing, this is why we need to defund the cia and fbi!”.

No but seriously, rw’ers, including the bizarro comment demanding full video, want to meme this. It would br a grand slam for them if they got full vid so they could copy pasta and laugh about their guy doing a terrorism. When this sicko got booked, a TON of conservatives started a gofund me for him!


Has_hog t1_it89v1p wrote

Lol. Dude do you always just read the first sentence and just go off? This “sanctions” argument is most base level, first sentence reading interpretation possible — it’s clearly more complicated than that or the aclu wouldn’t have a case to challenge the state.