
Haylyn221 t1_j0rxa6m wrote

Officer White sighs "You're confessing to a murder that didn't happen?"

"That hasn't happened, yet," I tell the man.

Officer White rubs the bridge of his nose. "So you're planning a murder then?"

"Heavens no, but last Halloween, Madame Lunaria, a fortune teller from the city's New Year festival, told me three things would happen this year; I would find love, I would adopt, and I'd be the reason for someone's demise." I tell the officer, eyes watering.

"Have any of those even come true? I don't see a ring on that finger." Officer White points out.

"Yes. He's my second cousin, Marcus Love. He did one of those Ancestory tests and found out we're related and live like 20 minutes from one another. No luck on actually finding love, but that's okay. And I did adopt, a stray cat came to me in the middle of the night in March, with a hurt paw and I nursed her to health. That means the only thing left is to kill someone. I don't plan on killing anyone, but everything else came true so surely this will too,"

Officer White rubs his temple. "Any history of mental illness in your family?"

" How dare you!" I say. " I am not crazy, Madame Lunaria is the real deal. I'm asking you to lock me up for a while. Just until New Years to make sure I can't kill anyone."

Officer White shakes his head. " We can't go locking up people just because they ask, and you really don't want to be in prison, kid."

"I'm not asking for maximum security, maybe just one of those fancy white collar prisons? Or a sheriff jailcell? It'll only be for a few months. And cheaper than my apartment. You'll be doing me a favor."

" Absolutely not, now get out of here before I charge you for wasting the department's time. No crime was done, I have no reason to be talking to you." Officer White says.

I try to reason with him but I'm escorted outside.

I wait around outside the department for a few hours, hoping to convince Officer White.

The sun sets and it begins to get cold. I'm shivering and about to give up and try again tomorrow when the doors open and Officer White steps out in his civilian clothes; a worn brown leather jacket and black slacks.

"Officer White, please just hear me out," I say. Officer White sighs, "Kid, I'm off the clock. I'm going home to my wife and kid. You didn't do a crime, you're not going to do the time."

"Fine. Then..." I walk over to a trash can and reach inside. I throw some newspaper and a used coffee cup on the sidewalk. "I'm litering, that's illegal."

"A fine for littering, not jail.time," Officer White says. "Get some help," he begins crossing the street towards his car. I think a moment and find a rock, and throw it. I watch the rock make the arc and smack against Officer White's back. The man stops and turns around, not looking pleased. "Did you throw that?"

I nod and smile "Assaulting an officer is a bigger offense right? I'll be in jail for a bit, maybe even isolated?"

Officer White takes a breath and walks back over. He grabs my collar. "I don't feel like doing paperwork tonight, so you best behave yourself and get checked in to St. Mary's, they have a psychiatric ward."

I frown. "You're not going to arrest me? Come on, fucking pig. Is it because I'm white? Would you have shot me otherwise?" I poke the big man in his soft chest. "Bet a fat ass like you wouldn't be able to catch me even if you did try to arrest me. I ran track in high school." I try to get this man angry enough to book me.

Officer White's chubby face turned red with rage, maybe embarrassment or just the cold air.

"Listen here you little insufferable shit! I'm an officer of the law and you will respect me as such or so help me God I'll-I'll" Officer White clutches his chest, breathing harder than normal.

"You okay man? I was just joking. Just arrest me already."

Officer White gasps for breath and falls forward, nearly crushing me.

"Shit, HELP! Someone help!"

Officer Gregory White, 43 COD: cardiac arrest