
HealthyStonksBoys t1_j6i3ls0 wrote

Ask yourself what does all life have in common? The transfer of energy. Why would the universe have all these methods of displacing/transferring energy if it’s end game is to die an inactive cold death? A big bang is just a lazy man’s theory. What we know of the universe is that galaxies are constantly colliding and recycling each other in this way. We have no idea how many galaxies there are, or what for that matter our own galaxy is heading towards. We don’t know if the universe stretches on forever, or if there’s boundaries. So much to know still.


HealthyStonksBoys t1_j6i2jgg wrote

All this dieing/reborn bs. The universe recycles itself and is constantly creating/dieing/being born again. It would make no sense for a universe to “die” or reach a point of no activity. Eventually it gets consumed and recycled. We really know nothing about how vast the entire universe is and big picture stuff is just theories nothing else


HealthyStonksBoys t1_j5hgidu wrote

Inflation? Sweet free excuse to raise costs even though our product isn’t affected. Recession? Sweet free excuse to fire a 1/3rd of staff and make the other 2/3rds pick up the slack. It’s all business baby and it funnels into one singular hairy ball sack. Wrapped in gold flake paper and served with a ton of salt.


HealthyStonksBoys t1_j21vihy wrote

Anyone that thinks they know what can generated on literally trillions on planets is silly. The reality is we’ve found creatures on earth that consume rock, breath poisonous gas, etc. Life can exist in many forms, the question is what is more adaptable? Given the environment and such. Oxygen was a biproduct of our life here but that doesn’t mean it will be this way everywhere.


HealthyStonksBoys t1_j128xof wrote

What always blows my mind is we are here. Right now. Yet no one cares about why. Instead of all of us collectively pursuing knowledge as to why, to what end we instead go about our lives eating sleeping and working. There is so much to explore! We should be building ships, regardless of time it takes how many generations etc. the pursuit of knowledge should be above all.