
HeathenPrimate t1_iyf4xn0 wrote

What in the actual fuck are you on about?

I don't know what that has to do with your miserable grasp on one of the three forms of reasoning. Like, I get it... you don't like America. Cool. But you made a generalization about all American's based on a claim about some Christians. Its a logical cluster fuck m8.


HeathenPrimate t1_iyf4cyr wrote

No, it doesn't. Something isn't true just because you say it is.

Edit: If anyone needs any indication of the quality of people following this thread, this comment is one of the most downvoted. Imagine downvoting the innocuous claim that “saying something doesn’t make it true”.


HeathenPrimate t1_iyf3yog wrote

You may want to spend a little time reviewing the concept of deductive reasoning, m8.

An example would be something like "All cats have eyes. Siamese are cats. Therefore Siamese have eyes." That is the general format for deductive reasoning.

"Christians believe anything you tell them. A lot of Americans are Christians. Therefore the American education system is flawed." is a non sequitur.


HeathenPrimate t1_iyezk43 wrote

You think some Christians outside of the US don't think similarly?

Edit: Apparently a fair amount of people in this thread think only Americans, and especially American Christians say stupid things. It’s almost as if there is some preconceived notion about Americans being expressed here despite its relevance to the point…


HeathenPrimate t1_ivtw6fg wrote

I wonder what instrument they used to measure the windspeed of Hurricane Camille at 174mph in 1969?

(local legend says the anemometer at the Biloxi weather station measured 205mph until it succumbed to the windspeed and broke)