
HeightAboveGeoid t1_je7y532 wrote

You could use the excuse that the ergo split board was difficult to acclimate to and use that as an opportunity to maybe show her a picture of the keyboard you intend to bring in and why it suits your needs best and hence increasing your productivity.


HeightAboveGeoid t1_j8y1qax wrote

Beautiful build!

Does the PCB support stepped caps? Looking at the OG60 product page the plate looks like it it only supports standard Caps Lock, but the OG60 accessories page image of the PCB shows the flipped socket for Stepped Caps Lock.


HeightAboveGeoid t1_j6o65hn wrote

More and more hotswap boards are able to have both stepped and regular caps options using a flipped switch orientation.

I don't think I've seen a single keycap set that didn't come with a stepped caps key unless it was as cut-down set meant to be sold with a specific keyboard or a very cheap set.


HeightAboveGeoid t1_iwhykxt wrote

After reading some comments and your replies my thoughts are:

  • 75% does have nearly the same functionality as a TKL, but aesthetically I think the TKL format is more balanced and visually appealing. 75s do offer that functionality in the size of about a 65.
  • For the majority of people, for everyday workloads, I think F keys are largely vestigial. For the oft chance you need it a Fn+number is easy enough.
  • I feel like there has been a lot of 75s coming out lately. About a year and a half ago 75s were the hot shiz, 65s made their comeback, and now we're back on the 75s.

I had an ID80 and gave it to a friend. My current keyboard rotation is a Mode65 and a StackedTKL. I have a Brutal60 but I stopped using it. People always talk about the arrow keys with 65%+ but for me I miss having a couple nav keys the most. The arrows are nice too.

I think my ideal layout is a F-rowless TKL. But those made are usually relatively expensive and limited :(


HeightAboveGeoid t1_iu7aldy wrote

Reply to Keychrone Q10 by Watchclos

Very nice! I've been eyeing the Q10 as a work board for CAD work. Left side knob and macro keys for shortcuts.

Quite literally the only downside for me is that they don't do Stepped-Caps. I really wish they'd integrate it since most other good quality "Entry-level" hotswap boards have figured it out.