
HeippodeiPeippo t1_j63bqmx wrote

>No country strictly uses metric.

Looks around in his Finnish apartment...

Nope, everything is metric, unless it is imported from USA. I mean, i have a bunch of imperial tools.. because some things are imperial because of USA but otherwise... I can not figure out what isn't metric.

>And nobody really agrees on one absolute system. It’s all arbitrary, so it doesn’t really matter.

SI units. You really are one of the most ignorant muricans or you are trolling. And of fucking course it matters. It costs YOU money to NOT convert, and it actually cost US money because YOU don't want to change. Like i said, i have to have some tools twice, just because ONE country, 5% of the world does not change. UK has a mess too, that is an EXCEPTION.

>It’s not hard because it’s hard to understand, it’s hard because it’s expensive and has no real value in changing.

It cost you money every single day and you have to change one day. It is just that YOU don't want to do it because you are selfish and lazy. I remember this one dude talking about doing things because they are hard. Wonder where that fellow came from, which country's president said that.. You just do not want to because it is too hard for you, let the next generation deal with it.


HeippodeiPeippo t1_j6355n8 wrote

>A world standard would make that easier, but nobody really agrees on an absolute standard.

No, the world has agreed a century ago. USA does not want to do it cause it is apparently so hard. That is the ONLY reason given, "it is difficult and it sucks during the transition period" so they kick the can to the next generation. Every generation so far has been too selfish to take on the task. THAT IS THE TRUTH. Laziness, selfishness and incompetence.


HeippodeiPeippo t1_j634yg1 wrote

You are really... asking about CONVERSIONS BETWEEN METRIC AND IMPERIAL as the "gotcha" when someone asks about conversions IN IMPERIAL ONLY.

To make it fair, use ONLY metric, just like the original question did with imperial.

Come on, you can't be that stupid, can you?


HeippodeiPeippo t1_j634rsw wrote

Asks for an example and then does... this.

A lot of things are measured in inches but need to be converted to yards and miles. For ex, how many bolts you need for a span. The idea that you don't need to ever convert is just stupid and shows that the person has never had to work measuring anything.


HeippodeiPeippo t1_j634kj2 wrote

It is incredible how incompetent an entire nation can be. Everyone else could do it but USA can't. It is amazing that no one has to bottlefeed them and change their nappies. "Nah, its too difficult, lets give up this not-at-all a hard thing". Nation of quitters.
