
HelloJoeyJoeJoe t1_jed8sec wrote

>I don't mean to sound racist in anyway so please don't take it as such, but why is racism against asians by black people such a common thing?

I'd say it isn't so common as its probably the most acceptable (or even encouraged) type of racism.

See Shaq & Asians vs Kyrie & Jews.

Also large segments of our nation love it when PoCs fuck with each other


HelloJoeyJoeJoe t1_jcfa2xf wrote

>bringing the flavors of Burma, Vietnam, Thailand

As soon as I read that, I'm like "Burmese owners" just as you later confirmed.

Nothing ground breaking, it's just when one type of ethnic food with a small footprint in our area gets lumped with other big boys, the owners are rightfully platforming. Hopefully Lao and Burmese food become big players here too.


HelloJoeyJoeJoe t1_j9yz7sw wrote

Yes, let me backtrack and say that I'm wrong. pGI is a suggestion I can't top for OP.

OP didn't ask for good food, good service, good value but a certain vibe. While PGI won't have the traditional porcelain jars or the paintings or printed plates, they have an old school attitude with the waiters who are a bit sassy and FOBish, big large plates of food, the "Cartwright!!!" type of late 80s to mid 90s style