
HelpfulSeaweed7771 t1_j6odxof wrote

Reply to comment by GreyCloudsss in Compensation Question by [deleted]

He might. I'm not sure, I really like my employer and coworkers. But the amount of talk he gives me about being important to the future of the company, and his 'big plans for me' compared to the compensation provided just makes me weary.


HelpfulSeaweed7771 t1_j6od9xn wrote

I'm in a retail management position for a local business the company is highly profitable, I'm in Ohio making 19.50/hr. I've been here for 8 years and I'm relied on heavily for multiple roles outside of what I was hired for as well as day to day operations. The owner works along side us and I'm very much the 'goto guy'. We have an in-house tech department that the want me to take over in a couple years when the current guy retires, as I've done a lot of work along side him over the years. A lot of employees here work 6-7 days a week, I just feel like I'm compensated less than others because I've never spoken up and asked for more. I usually get .50 - 1.00 raise every year

2 weeks paid vacation No other benefits