
Herbertgrey t1_iucyt4k wrote

I was there and it was a experience to see these possessions of this museum up close But do any of you feel that they could have done a better job with how they could have presented each possession? Each possession was sort of put out there with no security personnel up close to make sure people did not get to close and touch the item. Also I would have loved if each item was in a room or booth so you can have a personal 1 on 1 for like 10-20 seconds. Some People were taking too long taking their pics/vids and some people too fast because they felt rushed.

It was hard for me to focus and enjoy each possession and get a good angle of a pic/vid because everybody was just upfront and swarmed in. It’s hard to take a personal once haunted possession seriously when to the left of me is someone talking about how traffic was and to the right of me is someone talking about how much money they lost thru the casino earlier that day.