
HiFructose_PornSyrup t1_j6obptb wrote

Ummm if my best friend cheated on their fiancé they wouldn’t be my best friend anymore. Fuck liars and fuck cheaters. If their own fiancé can’t trust them then no one else can either.

The fact that your boyfriend apparently has no problem with his best friends infidelity is concerning to put it lightly. Birds of a feather flock together.

Also if he is willing to lie to you about small things he is 100% capable of lying to you about big things. If he wasn’t doing anything wrong, why did he lie? Why did he delete all his texts? He’s so full of shit dude. Innocent people don’t lie and delete texts. Don’t listen to anything his best friend says either bc he was capable of lying to his fiancés face no problem.

Honestly I would be surprised if your boyfriend hasn’t already cheated. He’s already admitted to lying to you about his location, deleting texts and talking about wanting to hang out with hot women (wtf? If you’re not trying to cheat why do you care what they look like?). And that’s just the shit you know about. And you only know about it bc he got caught. He admitted the hot woman talk thing bc he thinks if he admits to something a little bad you’ll stop looking and won’t find out the really bad thing he did. This is a common tactic with cheaters.

And for what it’s worth, if my boyfriend went bar hopping with his best friend and ended up at a girls house at 2am I wouldn’t think much of it because we like to party and stay up late and sometimes end up in weird locations. We’re 27 and 29 btw. We would never hide this from each other though or be weird about it bc we aren’t shady and have nothing to hide. 🤷🏻‍♀️ We have a large mixed gender group of friends and I’ve hung out alone drinking with male friends at 2am and it’s not weird in my circle. However if anyone in my group cheated on their fiancé they would immediately be shunned and ousted by everyone bc that behavior is not acceptable. None of the taken men or women in my friend group would ever talk about wanting to hang out with hot members of the opposite sex bc that’s gross and shady. Not sure how relevant all this is bc I know every social circle is different but I just wanted to give my 2 cents on all aspects of your post.