
HideoSpartan t1_jd9jxm5 wrote

It sounds to me like you know your anwser.

The series X offers you not only future titles from your favourite franchise but previous ones all playable on one console with enhancements.

The cost saving between ultimate and game share will save you a small fortune alone, you love Forza etc

To me it sounds like your heart is settled on the series X - not a bad thing at all I love my SX!

I’m in a some what similar boat and the SX leaves me with no regrets and has already saved me a fortune.


HideoSpartan t1_jd044j4 wrote

Plastics can be tricky, especially black plastics.

Soap and water was a good start, did you use dish soap or hand soap?

A good trick is to use a hair dryer to warm the plastic, it causes anything permeated to rise and obviously the plastic to expand, on a measurement we don’t even notice that allows space for a nice warm dish soap to get in and clean try a soft bristle brush, or toothbrush.

Dish soap works best because it’s both hydrophilic and hydrophobic.

It’s also great for say a preowned car you’ve just bought and plan on detailing yourself as it really takes the paint back to basics so you know what you’re working with!

Don’t use nail varnish remover, don’t use car polish, ISO alcohol may work but I’d do a minuscule spot test to make sure it doesn’t haze the finish.

Use circular motions and be patient :)


HideoSpartan t1_j8pcbr3 wrote

Honestly your best bet for temps would be in-depth Thermal imaging videos on YouTube.

I can certainly say my Xbox feels cooler in general and that could be for a number of reasons, my PS5 doesn’t exactly get hot and is only noisy when the disc drive spools which isn’t very often, even with a disc based game.

Generally all I care about is hot air being pushed out, which both do fine !


HideoSpartan t1_j8okr9o wrote

I’m on my second PS5

First Series X

PS5 just started shutting down randomly, I’m normally inquisitive enough to strip apart a console but having it die in two years with my light gaming? Yeah, wasn’t best pleased but that’s tech for you.

Both consoles are just really, luck of the draw. I could say SX all day yet you go buy one and it die the next day.

I’ve seen PSU failures for both, lasers and the Liquid Metal thing on PS5 etc

It is what it is - a lot of people are going to brush the Liquid TP aside but yeah I’ve put mine horizontal, if it turns out to be a load of crap? I know I was safe.


HideoSpartan t1_j1hu3bv wrote

Imo get an Xbox series S and put doom on it - Xbox game pass has most Doom titles included and he can play Forza Horizon 5 which is a nice blend of realism and arcade with adjustability such as difficulty, Traction control ABS etc plus tons of customisation on the car itself.

You can also purchase some of the splinter cell titles for cheap as well including blacklist which is the most recent.

This method is a lot cheaper than a PS5 and games


Pick up;


Gran Turismo


HideoSpartan t1_j0yo0kj wrote


Just take in consideration what your money is buying you and go from there. Plain and simple.

The Series S is a bang for buck stepping stone between last gen and current gen. It is limited in power and storage space in comparison to the series x and PlayStation 5 - however this isn’t necessarily a bad thing depending on the consumer.

OP do you play one or two games at a time and that’s it?

Are you bothered about 1440/4K res? Because contrary to what most people are saying here the series S very rarely manages a native 1440p resolution on games (check pm any Digital Foundry review) and if it does you’re slung to 30FPS territory.

Again - not a bad thing so long as you’re not expecting the latest and greatest in visuals.

Digital or disc? Digital only console and with very little space - if you shuffle a lot of games at once the series S quickly becomes rather redundant imo if you’re going to buy a storage upgrade - yes you can buy a much cheaper external SSD for stuff such as older gen Xbox games.

!Remember that disc is still far cheaper majority of the time than digital - especially on new releases!

Essentially the Series S is a budget friendly console - it is absolutely fantastic at what it does and as the original Xbox ones (hopefully) get dropped I’m hoping the series S and X see more development dedication.

Frame drops are going to happen regardless of the console you purchase as they’re are largely more of a hardware limitation issue and/or development targets. -- Most games are made to run at stable frame rates - but it does happen.

Buy whatever console YOU as a consumer want not what everybody else tells you.

I have the PS5 and SX, yes I love the exclusives on PS5 and controller but nothing beats the SX for me, quick resume, huge backwards compat catalogue, game pass? What’s not to love.

Imho and this is just me chucking my two cents in - Consider the series X as it’s pricing is between the PS5 and Series S - you get the top tier performance, it’ll be a slow burner for this gen but ultimately as developers hopefully begin to utilise the power under the hood the Series X will truly show its presence :)


HideoSpartan t1_iyo54at wrote

Reply to comment by EvaOver69 in What should I buy?? by [deleted]

My bad for over stepping. Just seen a rise in people bragging about the series X power over the PS5 lately and spreading a lot of false information - which for a buyer is a bit shitty!


HideoSpartan t1_iynk56a wrote

Reply to comment by EvaOver69 in What should I buy?? by [deleted]

Curious as to why you state the PS is middle ground when in reality (not just stats on paper) there is minimal difference between the Series X and PS5?

“A lot of people have said PlayStation, but a lot of people fail to give reasoning”

  • Absolutely solid tier of Exclusive titles? Not all of which have hit PC?

  • Haptic controller?

  • Whilst PS tiers pale in comparison to game pass, they get amazing monthly games compared to Xbox imo. December is Mass Effect Legendary Edition & Biomutant for example. GWG has been treading water for ages now.

It’s a few points that I think are very worthy when contemplating the two.

I own both and honestly don’t think you can go wrong with either option. However to actually experience next gen? PS will get you there sooner - I’m still waiting on series x.


HideoSpartan t1_iy8t3js wrote

Series S is a safer pick.

He has all his friends on it and he gets the benefit of improved graphical fidelity but most importantly the speed of the SSD.

This just generally makes your gaming much more pleasurable as everything is so snappy!

Ofc the series s is a digital only console so bear that in mind also.

The switch is, well the switch?

Does he have an interest in Pokémon? Mario? Zelda? I find it rather pointless buying a console that’s just as much or near enough as much a series S when in reality it’s offering you less value for your money.

He also wouldn’t be able to play many of those games with his friends aside from possibly rocket league?

But ultimately value for money is something only you will know.

Friends and if he plays with them a lot are a huge value, let alone the technical improvements of the newer console on its own!


HideoSpartan t1_ixs6cp5 wrote

Because you’re comparing numbers on paper. It never works out like that in hardware. You stated it’s considerably more powerful which is what I replied to. That is plain and simply false. That margin of difference is a resolution bump of again, minimal difference for players.

In reality, what we will more than likely see is One X visual comparison to PS4 Pro - which is on a visual level indiscernible for a ton of people.

We also have to account for API - again not just numbers.

You’re seeing teraflops and that’s it -

If you did more than a ‘Google search’ you’d see people like digital foundry etc have done incredibly deep dives stating all of the above albeit in far more detail.

Don’t believe numbers on paper - it’s far more complex and as proved by games that have released multiplatform - the PS5 is more than capable of keeping up with ‘ the worlds most powerful console ‘ and over taking it.

FWIW I own both and genuinely cannot tell a damn difference in AC V, Elden Ring or CoD titles. As far as I’m concerned PS5 has better looking titles already but they’re exclusive so it’s a moot point due to Xbox being on the back foot still, the only game that actually looks better from my personal experience is Cyberpunk since the latest patch and even still, it’s so marginal I doubt anyone could honestly say I’d rather play x version.

Halo Infinite had the potential to contend but had to slam for original Xbox one, FH5 whilst beautiful isn’t mind blowing - great optimisation though from Playground! I look forward to the new motorsport though, especially if they can work the same magic they did with horizon.

But it’s cool. I didn’t mean to come off as aggressive as I did so I apologise for that, I just don’t understand why people feel the need to brag about such a minimal difference when it hits hardware.