
HippySol t1_iye8ucy wrote

In theory it sounds like a good idea. But the problem is that ignoring a social issue doesnt make it go away and if there is no push back, the people pushing a certain agenda will believe, and others will believe, that everyone accepts their view and therefore it must be 'right'.

eg. I had NO idea that Elon Musk had conservative values until all the hullabaloo started about some companies leaving twitter. Why should they? Because they dont like the guy who owns it having conservative values? Interesting, but I thought we lived in a society that valued free speech, even if you dont agree with it.


HippySol t1_ixu2y8u wrote

A common issue with front loading washers is water getting into and around the front door seal and never drying properly. Sadly, for all their advancements its the nature of the beast. Try wiping down the seal and leaving the door open when its not in use so it can fully dry out. It works for ours.


HippySol t1_iw9gmuv wrote

Brings back memories of the Broncos hockey team accident in Canada a few years ago. Hockey players on a bus heading to a game, hit by a semi, except instead of injured, it killed 16. And the semi driver wasnt even drunk, just distracted by a flapping tarp. https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/humboldt-broncos-bus-crash