
HomarusSimpson t1_iws7nmp wrote


random selection, a lot of countries don't have much data.

The graph you linked doesn't exactly slope up for many countries, overall it's as many countries going down as up


HomarusSimpson t1_iwqrvws wrote

A popular belief, but untrue:



Year World Gini coefficients
1988 0.80
1993 0.76
1998 0.74
2003 0.72
2008 0.70
2013 0.65
Lower is less unequal. Each period has gone down.
> ..... a continuous decline since 1988. This is attributed to globalization increasing incomes for billions of poor people, mostly in countries like China and India. Developing countries like Brazil have also improved basic services like health care, education, and sanitation; others like Chile and Mexico have enacted more progressive tax policies
