
HonestIbrahim t1_jd6mkwu wrote

This struck me as funny, “The rise of AI will free people up to do things that software never will—teaching, caring for patients, and supporting the elderly, for example.” But earlier in the article he explains how AI will help teach children math… so if you remove teaching from that list, I’m being ‘freed up’ from my current job to be an orderly or care giver. That is honorable work, but it doesn’t pay well, and I suspect competition for work won’t drive compensation higher unless the AI can help us unionize.


HonestIbrahim t1_j19q1zs wrote

Thanks for sharing this. I’m in the “long covid” club despite mild acute covid infections. My pre covid exercise was pretty intense. BJJ 3-4 days a week and strength training 5 days per week… I was definitely overdoing it and tried to resume that activity immediately following my initial covid infection. Health just kept slipping downhill from there. Cardio was awful so I just kept pushing harder, trying to get back to where I was previously. Never thought exercise could be making me worse. Very tough lesson to learn.