
HotSalsaAssFire t1_jco24w1 wrote

The new NAs that have been coming out are pretty damn good. I’ve been enjoying the variety of IPAs from Athletic. Only one of our local breweries makes a NA and it’s not too bad. In the past few years it’s gotten better. Especially since Odouls.


HotSalsaAssFire t1_j6gu5q0 wrote

You joke but this scenario played out in Denali National Park. It was digital though, if I recall.

First person (recorded at least) to die from a bear mauling in the park’s history.

**photo not shown in article


HotSalsaAssFire t1_j5q8enk wrote


HotSalsaAssFire t1_iyfbh6q wrote

The accounting subdirectory on the Cuisinart is working really hard.

We've got one person online, but the workload is enough for, like, 10 users.

I think we've got a hacker.