
Hot_Handle t1_j2e9b2q wrote

I would stop making all payments other than the mortgage. Free up cash from the cards to resume mortgage payments. Your cards will eventually have to be paid off or settled but it will buy you some time and keep you in your home. After a few months your creditors would be willing to take a lot less than what you owe to discharge the debt. Your credit would be damaged but it's better than bankruptcy and possibly losing your home.


Hot_Handle t1_j1zvo4p wrote

I have lived in the dorms and also off campus. For me the decision was mostly financial. The dorms were a lot more expensive than living off campus. Also, there are are things like the setup of the dorms. Have you toured the place? In my case there were 3 people per room - one bunk bed and one single...which was horrible, shared bathroom with the suite next door - another 3 people. No privacy or quiet space. Also my school forced you to buy a meal plan with the dorm which was more money than buying food yourself. Once we rented a place off campus everyone had their own room and it was cheaper too. I would ask, isn't there another off campus rental (house or apartment) available that is cheaper. We would just find something on craigslist and pay month to month per room.