
HouseKaylord t1_jdxhl5a wrote

Pearce Real Estate is great (I am biased because I’m married to one though). My husband works with a lot of new Yale students and staff. If you reach out to Pearce they’ll connect you someone who can arrange tours and make sure you find the best spot


HouseKaylord t1_jd8487z wrote

Lack of insulation and the temperature you keep your house at is probably contributing. We keep our house, which is same size as yours, at between 60-64 degrees and our bill was $115 last month.

I’d recommend turning your thermostat down when you aren’t home and are sleeping to save money. If these don’t have an effect than there might be a problem with your meter - but I suspect the high temperature is the primary contributer to your costs.


HouseKaylord t1_jbzs9b3 wrote

If the Trader Joe’s/Whole Foods aspect is super important to you then I’d look in the Orange/Milford area as CT doesn’t have that many of those particular chains but they do have them in that area!

If it’s less important then I’d recommend Guilford. My husband grew up there and they have a great school system, very safe, and there’s a train station in town. Only about 30 minute drive to Yale.

We currently live in Hamden now in the Spring Glen/Whitneyville area. We love it for now, however, I’ve heard the high school is just okay and we’ll likely move when we have kids.

My husband happens to be a realtor who works with a lot of incoming Yale staff. Yale often will connect people moving to the area with possible realtors who are very knowledgeable and can help you look at the best spots. My husband takes people of tours of towns all the time which I think helps give a good feel for the area. May be worth connecting to the hiring team to see if they might offer that to your wife!