
HowWeDoingTodayHive t1_ja8k726 wrote

How exactly is their opinion wrong? Yeah you can order cheese pizza every single day for every single meal, from the same exact place, and while every one of those pizzas is “different”, I’d wager you would get sick of it before very long because it all tastes the same. The differences between each individual pizza is really not enough to care about.


HowWeDoingTodayHive t1_ja3uibl wrote

The future is just the future. This weird descriptor of saying who it belongs to is kind of nonsensical. That being said, yeah, AI has massive potential to do all kinds of amazing wonderful things. It also has the potential to make our lives a nightmare we were never even able to comprehend. This is like the birth of nuclear weapons except it’s way more complicated than just a big weapon that goes boom, and frankly at this point I don’t even think there is any going back. The idea that we can just control it also seems very in line with our naive human ego.


HowWeDoingTodayHive t1_j62sla1 wrote

Did not realize this was a gif at first so that legitimately got me when I was confused about if I saw a blood drop, and then the head started to drop down. Nicely done.