
Hughgurgle t1_jd4dt16 wrote

I mean I get it, I used to care more-- but CWD is a prion disease, and while feeding any wild animal and getting them to congregate in large groups will spread disease, there's always going to ve people who do it. It's really not at all different from hunters who use feed lots whether they grow the food or are over in New Jersey putting out piles of corn.

Also, it's a strawman argument, assuming they would vilify hunters is wrong, they grew up around hunters and wish the deer luck and reprieve during hunting season-- we live right off the Appalachian trail. They just like feeling like Disney Princesses (just like hunters like feeling like Davey Crockett)

Sometimes you have to let other people live their lives and feed a deer (not that I advocate for it, but I do advocate for a certain level of minding my own damn business)


Hughgurgle t1_jd3g83y wrote

So I have a fan theory about piebald deer

  • fun fact pie bald is a term that comes from magpies and the way that they are white and black, and in the UK it's reserved for white and black markings, and the brown and black is referred to as skewbald (That also might just be a horse person thing not a UK thing idk)*

So one thing that was learned during the Russian Fox domestication experiments is that selecting for non-aggressive traits (specifically low fear of humans) will coincide with other genetic markers like coat patterning (and with the foxes also floppy ears and barking like behavior) anyway my theory based on the pie bald deer in my neighborhood and the fact that all the old ladies down the street feed the deer by hand (and have for 30-50 years) is that they are basically domesticating the wild deer out there and giving the ones who are brave enough to walk up to a human who has food, a chance to spread their genetic code.