
HungarianNewfy t1_jdfu6y8 wrote

> a physical disc will ALWAYS work. it can't be revoked, and it doesn't care if sony/ms/nintendo shut down their servers.

Yes because thievery, property damage, neglect, or time ever occurs that would cause a physical edition to go missing, become ruined due to household catastrophes, misuse/unintentional damage or misplaced, and what the hell even is disc rot?

There is nothing wrong with preferring what you like. But to say it’s without flaws is just ignorant.

I grew up in the late NES to SNES era and had my share of games. What my parents did to them, I do not know. But I was able to amass some of my old collection (as well as others I never had) since then on many platforms from NES, SNES, N64 and Genesis. I still have my original hardware and games from my Playstation 1, 2, 3, PSP, GameCube, Wii, WiiU, Original Xbox, 360 and I still have PC discs going back as far as the original Warcraft and Diablo. But I’ve been mainly digital since the launch of the Xbox One/Playstation 4 and even longer on PC.

I’ve lost a few of my Will-always-work-and-can’t-be-revoked physical games (and some that have become worth a lot more than I ever thought they would) due to some water damage in my previous house. I most likely will never get those expensive ones back. There are games on the Gameboy that I wish I could have enjoyed, but alas, they’re selling for several hundreds of dollars. But with the closing of the 3DS/WiiU eshops, I found out that one of those 300+ gameboy carts can be purchased for the small sum of $4.99 CAD on the eshop. Well fuck me! I bought that in a heartbeat.

And as for more modern purchases, as I’ve said, I’ve been buying digital for well over 10 years, and as far as I know, I still have access to every one of those games that wasn’t limited by an online server (which wouldn’t change with a hard copy). Only, now everywhere I go, as long as I can find hardware that plays the games I’ve made purchases for, I have access to all of my games.

I’ve never been one for trading in my games, I think it’s a scam, but that’s neither here nor there. I’ve only ever sold a handful of my used games, and only because I had a duplicate hard copy or I bought it digitally. So that aspect has never been a consideration for me when I make my purchases.

Both forms of media have their advantages and their disadvantages. But to say one is better than the other, especially because it will “always” do this or have that…well that’s just foolish talk


HungarianNewfy t1_j28xyuo wrote

It doesn’t matter. You put it on the list. Someone voted for it. And then you question why someone voted for it…

You’re either trolling or you’re a child that thinks console wars are “cool”

If you’re going to make a poll like this, at least use all the heavy hitters when it comes to consoles. And PC isn’t a console.

But really, if you’re going to make a poll like this, don’t. Stop and think about how stupid of an idea a post like this is and then maybe just post your favourite console or game and explain why it’s your favourite (positive points. Not negative towards the competition) and start a conversation that way…there’s a reason why your polls don’t stay up…if you can’t figure it out, you should just stop posting to Reddit all together


HungarianNewfy t1_j09xdih wrote

The Last of Us - had a great story and characters up to as far as I got. But the monotonous gameplay really pulled me out of it all

Breath of the Wild - the breaking weapons is such a shitty mechanic, at least the way it was implemented in this game (at least give me a few extra swings!!), that goes against my adventure/rpg play style. I tend to save all of my good items for “when I might need them later” or the final boss which means I was always using boko sticks because I didn’t want to lose my good weapons to grunts

GTA V - this one is mainly due to my buddies I played with. Early on, when heists were the best way to make money (legitimately) they’d just rinse and repeat the same heists over and over. But if someone fucked up along the way, we’d have to start it all over again, cut scenes and all…it grew old very fast and killed my motivation to play it all together.


HungarianNewfy t1_it842e9 wrote

What is the value you’re looking at here? What’s the “worth” you’re trying to gauge?

You already own the console and games, so there’s no cost to factor in unless it’s the online/GamePass sub.

If it’s time investment, ask yourself this: do you find when you’re playing these games, you’re 100% invested, full attention and having fun? Or are you thinking of other things to do or once you’re finished, do you somewhat regret spending that free time playing those games?

Are there other types of games you enjoy that you haven’t played before that may be available on those systems? Ie. Sports, simulation, strategy, rpg, puzzle, etc.