
Hybrid978 OP t1_j22x7wr wrote

I honestly have no idea about most people. I bought a small and a medium to see which one fit my purpose better. I wanted it as small as possible since I was spending a few months away from home with just my one backpack. Ended up going with the medium.

Easy to pack, easy to wring out, easy to hang. Can still dry myself off after a swim/shower.

Edit: the one downside compared to a large is that you probably won't be able to drape it over yourself or tie it around your waist.


Hybrid978 OP t1_j226u3x wrote

It's about half the size of a normal towel and I can dry my entire body with it. Probably mainly dries so fast because of how much water you can squeeze out of it.

I didn't use softener on it for a while, but after several years, I gave up on the washing instructions and just started throwing it in with the rest of my clothes. I've honestly seen a little bit of a difference in the texture of the fabric over time, but it still works like a charm.


Hybrid978 OP t1_j222vus wrote

It's just the fabric, 100% polyester according to the label. Made in USA/Canada. I have sensitive skin and have never been bothered.

I don't know how it works, but I'm pretty sure any weird chemicals would have washed out of this a long long time ago.


Hybrid978 OP t1_j211tts wrote

I'd say this one is more of an all purpose type of towel. Can put it in a day bag or even in my pocket and just forget it's there.

They actually make a much larger one that I personally wouldn't have had any use for.


Hybrid978 OP t1_j20ij6e wrote

Bought this for backpacking in 2012 because they are very thin and can be squeezed until almost completely dry. Used it exclusively for the 4+ month trip, even when hotel towels were provided. Have continued using it regularly since.

It's made of the type of fabric that effortlessly pulls the water right off of you (think Shamwow infomercial). After wringing, dries in a matter of minutes in front of a fan and can be rolled up to about the size of a soda can.

There have been multiple occasions when my wife and I, and even my son have all been able to use this one towel to dry off completely.

I've done lots of research over the years, and bought many different products for travelling, but I can easily say that this is the single best travel item I've ever purchased.

I'm fairly certain they're still sold on the manufacturer's website.