
Hype_x OP t1_j27bfft wrote

Reply to comment by man2010 in Kitchen appreciation fee by Hype_x

It’s really more annoying that they tack on some lazy fee that is “optional”

If it’s optional then give me options to not pay for the janitors heath insurance, the owners dividend, or the managements salary. I want complete control over which part of the business I get to tip. Maybe I am want to jilt the fish vendor that night!


Hype_x OP t1_j2790rq wrote

Reply to comment by cayenne0 in Kitchen appreciation fee by Hype_x

They have to pay out the tips to front of the house staff. So reducing tips hurts the front of the house.

The kitchen fee that’s got no legal standing. There is no way to know where it goes.

Maybe they should call it an owner appreciation fee.


Hype_x t1_iwbsk1i wrote

That new bike lane is a mess. If you are biking in bound you now have to contend with all the cars turning off of Mason Street. It's like they wanted the bike lane but wanted it to be more dangerous. Here is a picture.

The blue way was the previous method. the bike lane in green basically drives you into the red car zone of death if you want to get to Harvard square.



Hype_x t1_ivvzc2j wrote

Putting the inbound lane on the right side would be best. The last major intersection is way safer if you only have to contend with the side street and the one way out of Harvard. Let’s advocate for a better design.

The new design means that inbound riders contend with all the lanes of car traffic instead of just two. Those two lanes have the least traffic.


Hype_x t1_iqwqif8 wrote

Not sure if this is the right forward commodity. You should prob do more digging that my simile google search. The link below will take you to NY Harbor Oil futures prices. Each month is on the table represents a contract for oil settling in that month. You could use this info to understand where the market makers think the price of oil is going. Remember any time you are asking will it be cheaper later you are taking a financial position on the outcome in the same way energy traders do every day. CME Futues