
HypotheticalRicotta t1_jcksqkz wrote

That's pretty interesting. I would have assumed that the key would be pretty important to windows, but if it's basically reserved for the start menu and hardly ever used for shortcuts I can definitely see that being annoying. On a mac it's a 2-key combo to do what the win key does on windows, so you're never worried about accidental clicks.


HypotheticalRicotta t1_iy65mac wrote

I like the colors. Not so much the legends, but I understand that’s kinda the point. The modern mtg font is a lot more palatable imo.

I mean, still better than the licensed Kamigawa Neon Dynasty keycap set from earlier this year.

Would also prefer an enter key that wasn’t the mtg logo. Maybe it can say “tap” and have the tap icon.