
IAintSkeeered t1_j09nbgm wrote

Derelict RVs are currently all over the west coast. Look at West Jefferson Blvd in Playa Del Rey on Google Street View.

If people didnt park in huge groups, in high traffic areas and kept things clean I don't think it would make others so mad. The amount of pollution, trash and junk found by most of these RVs is staggering.


IAintSkeeered t1_iz06bye wrote

>leave it there. I know there is an increase in car thefts in VT but that’s mostly opportunistic low level drug addicts. Montreal has more of an organized crime syndicate where things can disappear even locked up no keys.

I know of 2 people who had new full size trucks stolen from YUL. The latest was about 5 years ago so I am not sure if it has improved. I have never heard of anyone losing a car at BTV, BOS, MHT, BDL, etc. I wouldn't say your chances are high, but relatively speaking they are.