
IAmAn_Anne t1_jd5ciw1 wrote

I’m glad someone else said this too. The question made me hesitate and think more than it should have. (I am sick right now though, so I’m a little dumb) I had to mentally put myself back into the ice cream places of my youth to figure out why I couldn’t answer it. Jimmies, yes correct, but also rainbow sprinkles XD


IAmAn_Anne t1_ja2bj0z wrote

Weirdly, I think they’re both lucky he survived. I really expected this to end with OP in front of a jury of her peers while a slimy prosecuting attorney says something like “this poor man was unconscious after the first strike with the tire iron. After that, self defense is off the table.” And “he committed his own crimes, no one is contesting that, but a man’s crimes do not allow a normal citizen to take the law into their own hands”. Really glad OP got away and he got locked up.


IAmAn_Anne t1_j9ssbw3 wrote

Your mom wanted to go, maybe she knew something was going to happen to her? Perhaps she’s changed herself somehow, with someone’s help. If she knows you know, I’d feign approval to gather information.


IAmAn_Anne t1_j7eye9g wrote

We see your post. I’m assuming when you said you turned around and there was another wall you meant that a wall has materialized behind you, forcing you to continue forward or stay in place. I wish you’d posted sooner, we’d have told you to stop. It really seems that any movement is going to further trap you.

Wish I had any idea what sort of a place you’re in. It sounds like a hell specially made just for you. If you think back, do you recall doing something wrong that might “warrant” this kind of torture? Perhaps you can atone?