
IAmNotTooMuch t1_j6mujt7 wrote

I imagine it varies but I’ve never had a major credit card company require me to file a police report and have always had them immediately reimburse me the amount. If they care enough to track down the issue (a high enough threshold), they usually investigate it themselves and get the money from the vendor or elsewhere.


IAmNotTooMuch t1_j6ls372 wrote

The only question I’d ask the restaurant is if they have your card there in the lost and found as it’s the last place you used if/saw it.

If you haven’t already when they informed you of fraudulent charges, report it to your credit card company lost/stolen, dispute the charges you didn’t make, and get that card cancelled/a new one reissued. Your credit card company is your best bet here.

The police definitely won’t do anything for a lost/stolen credit card. They won’t do anything for break-ins, robberies, shootings, murder…so yeah.