
IHadADreamIWasAMeme t1_jc7kjtr wrote

I did my Bachelor’s degree through Southern New Hampshire and it was a good experience. You can take more than one online course per term. I usually did two at a time but did 3 towards the end to try to wrap it up a little quicker.

Been a while since I’ve looked but if you can get courses done online through a local college it might be cheaper. Not sure if community colleges offer core courses online… and then get your degree specific courses done at a college that offers them… worth looking into.


IHadADreamIWasAMeme t1_j86j1rd wrote

Freeport is another one of those towns filled with middle aged wealthy people that like to look like they give a shit about “muh equality” by posting self righteous bullshit on social media but in actuality they don’t want anyone that might be perceived as a lesser class living anywhere near their town.

See also: Falmouth, Cape Elizabeth, etc.


IHadADreamIWasAMeme t1_j306dwq wrote

The caps on these are crazy high. My wife and I make like 180k combined and don’t need the $900. But we will give it to her parents if they let us (that generation is too prideful and stubborn for their own good sometimes) as they could use additional help with costs this winter. Hopefully others will do the same if they can afford to.


IHadADreamIWasAMeme t1_j21rvl9 wrote

I don’t care anymore because I work from home full time now, but my god the worst thing about driving in the snow wasn’t the snow, it was the 20 minute commute turning into a 90 minute commute because people can’t handle driving at a reasonable speed in even a little bit of snow.


IHadADreamIWasAMeme t1_iubfv39 wrote

Psychopaths are still out there trying to sell their $450k home for $850k, but there are far less buyers out there because interest rates are through the roof. I don't think they got the message that they may have missed the boat because more buyers are sitting on the sidelines because of interest rates.

I've started seeing more prices drops, and far fewer homes listed for sale over the past month.

Unless you have a ton of cash available for a huge down payment or you can afford to buy a new house outright, I can't imaging buying a house right now even if you can get more for the one you are selling. Can't imagine taking out a mortgage @ anything above like 4%, never mind the 6% or so its at now.