
IIZORGII t1_jdq415k wrote


IIZORGII t1_jac80at wrote

Yeah these are great games, I think that unfortunately the FPS market is very competitive and tends to sway more towards multilayer.

Even for single player experiences, having to go against established games such as DOOM and Wolfenstein makes it that much harder.

Then if we are honest with ourselves, the first entry to Metro is not the most polished game, which I personally think adds to the charm a bit but it will be a huge put off when people are used to COD, DOOM, Wolfenstein etc


IIZORGII t1_j5xz7ff wrote

No, I very much doubt anybody believes that.

The question people are asking is exactly how harmful is it?

Coffee is harmful, so is bleach.

With more insight, people could make more informed decisions. As it stands, the general consensus around consumers seems to be that it isn't particularly harmful, you can continue to vape and that it is unlikely to have a negative impact on your health.

The professional opinion seems to be, we don't really know if it will cause any harm, or what type of harm it may cause. Although we are fairly certain it is healthier than smoking tobacco, so if it helps you stop that then crack on.